Specialized branches

Over the past two decades, interim management has established itself as a strategic alternative for flexibly planning and organizing management resources. In the course of this development, many specialized branches have emerged that complement the “standard” areas of interim executives and interim experts.


If needed, IMS Interim Management Solutions can draw from its own pool or the resources of its specialized alliance partners to make placements in the following areas:

  • Legal interim: Trained attorneys, often with additional line-management experience at companies – for example, in setting up a compliance or legal department, with IPOs and mergers, with legal due diligence processes, with legal and contract management and in acting as an internal point of contact for attorneys outside the company on legally complex assignments.
  • Candidates for MBIs or successor companies: When interim managers become entrepreneurs. Experienced executive managers who contribute their expertise and their capital to master a long-term business challenge. Contact to strategic or financial investors.
  • Candidates for passive or active participation in promising start-ups: Seasoned, senior businesspeople with comprehensive experience in critical company situations who complement the usually younger and technology-oriented founder team. Contact to serial entrepreneurs.
  • Candidates for advisory boards and supervisory boards: Experienced individuals for long-term constructive committee work.
  • Interim managers interested in the option of being hired permanently or at a later time: As a rule, interim management calls for a clearly defined period of time with a beginning and planned end to the temporary assignment. There are, however, interim managers who are open to establishing a permanent relationship with a company following the interim phase of a project.
  • Women in executive management: For planned diversity, but never at the expense of qualifications. Women don’t make better or worse managers than men, but it has been proven that they do work differently. For this reason, it certainly makes sense to systematically draw on the particular approach women take to carrying out interim company assignments when selecting a manager for specific projects, sectors, functions or business situations. We can draw from a pool of experienced female managers with broad skills in terms of sector, function and international assignments.
  • Interim physicians: Freelance physicians from various specialties who provide temporary coverage in hospitals, clinics and medical practices. Flexible medical personnel staffing services for healthcare providers.
  • Pilots: Freelance pilots for scheduled carriers and charter airlines for passenger, cargo and medical flights.